
Tuesday 10 May 2011

The Wrap up

Phew! I'm all done! There's been a few frustrations, tantrums and cursings along the way, but I got there!! Thank you to the City of Swan Libraries for putting together such an amazing course - I've learnt heaps! Now I just need to decide which ones I keep going and which ones I don't. I will try to keep all but Twitter (definitely not for me that one!)going for a little while to see which I'm using and getting the most out of and then decide. It made me realise just how much is changing in our world and at such a fast pace too's a case of 'jump on board' and quick otherwise you'll get left behind.... Hang on tight it could be a bit of a bumpy ride, but with a positive approach and strong teamwork we'll make it....
To coin a phrase.... 'it's a wrap'!!!!

Wk10 Geocaching

I can honestly say I had never heard of this until, again, I started this course. It's just a 21st century/GPS version of hide and seek!!! I notice that the University of Notre Dame libraries in the US describe it as a "popular hobby"!! I can certainly see why it is becoming popular... AND it's the first of our social networking activities that will actually get people off their bums, walking (or hiking) and out into the fresh air!!
Is it something our library could use? I suppose we could set up a simple one for would be a good way and fun way of teaching them where everything is located in a library and how it all works. However, having a group of kids all running around excitedly, trying to look for hidden caches could well backfire!! I think it's definitely something that the City of Mandurah could use to promote the local area (and the Peel Region if done in conjuction with the other shire councils and would probably be best suited to the parks/recreation dept.! If it ever gets the go-ahead though... count me in - it would be fun!!

Monday 9 May 2011

Wk9 Podcasting

Wow, wow and WOW!!!! I'd not even heard of Podcasting until I started this course... what a fantastic tool. In just 10mins I've learnt that Saturn may have a huge underground ocean below it's dune-covered surface, I've learnt that Einstein REALLY was a very clever man and I've listened to Dr Anne Summers, author/journalist talk about social networking (Her name stood out more than most as we Brits have an Anne Summers too, but just a little different - some of you will know what I mean!!!!!!) I think that Podcasting would work extremely well in our local libraries. We could upload children's stories for Mum's to use, and short stories for our seniors with deteriorating eyesight to listen to, and of course, our guest speakers/authors could be recorded so those who could not make the event can listen later at their own convenience.
I found a wonderful photographer called Martin Bailey, who has put together some great Podcasts on his photography skills and is willing to share these with everyone. In particular, his Vidcast of a Blakiston's Fish Owl feeding taken in Japan - absolutely awesome (to use my son's favourite word at the moment!!)..I've subscribed to his Podcasts and eagerly look forward to watching more of them.....

Sunday 8 May 2011

Wk8 YouTube cont.....

Well? What did you think? Fantastic isn't he.....there's a series of his talks if you want to see more... If history had been taught like this when I was at school, I would certainly have paid more attention.

I think YouTube is probably the most powerful social networking tool we currently have, and it's advantages are enormous. All the events that we hold in the library: children's storytime and activities, our guest author's talks, exhibitions, etc can be recorded and shown via YouTube. We could create small recordings on how to find and reserve a particular item, how to set up and use Wifi for the first time, how to log onto the public computers with library card for the first time...the list is endless. The fact that there is a visual element to this social networking site makes it a winner for me...

Wk8 YouTube

Everyone has heard of, or used YouTube for something over the past 5 years I'm sure. My youngest son spends hours looking up video clips like old TV shows, comedy sketches, the latest Lego creations, how to create the latest Lego creations..!!! His latest fad is looking up a BBC programme (which hasn't made it to Australia yet!!) called 'Walk on the Wild Side', where animals talk - very amusing! So I thought..what could I use to embed in my Blog? My thoughts took me back to my school particular to my history lessons and how boing it all became once we'd passed the Tudor age! So I have decided to introduce you to Bill Callahan-a Yeoman Warder at the Tower of London and historian extraodinaire!!!!! ......Enjoy...

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Wk7 Twitter

Well I've spent a few days now Twittering, and I can honestly say that it's not for me. Apart from not having the time, I still cannot see the point of advertising what I'm doing, or thinking to the rest of the world! Then tonight, I added a couple of comments and I receive a message via gmail that John Chandler, a bio paint sprayer (whatever that is!) is now following my Tweets - I haven't a clue who this person is and it's freaked me out, so I won't be carrying on with Twitter.....

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Wk7 - Social Networking

Facebook - I was probably one of the last people on planet Earth to create and run a Facebook account.  It's something that has never really appealled to me and I could never understand all the hype!  And so with much intrepidation, I took the plunge!!  Easy to open (another username and password to remember!!) and set up..  I decided to open it under a pseudonym to start and then if I think I will get some use out of it, I can change the name under my profile later.  I sent out a couple of requests for friends (sounds so sad!) and got a few quick responses.  I can see why this social networking site has become the world's favourite.  The instant messages are amazing and I sat and had a conversation with an old colleague in the UK.  My mum goes into hospital next Thu to have a hip replacement.  She's going to be housebound for a few weeks and so I decided to set up Wordscraper (like Scrabble - a big family favourite).  When she's home, we will be able to play games daily even though she's in Kent, UK and I'm 14,500kms away in Mandurah,Australia .....amazing...... and she's over the moon that we'll be in constant contact and can help ease her boredom.  It is probably the best of the bunch for the library too - getting messages out quickly, advertising events, school activities, promoting our services, and the good thing is that the majority of people know how to use it.
Twitter - Can't make my mind up about Twitter yet.  It was easy enough to open an account and start using immediately, but I can't help but think it's like having a digital-diary!!  It seems that all and sundry seem to use one!  I even saw that Kevin Rudd has one up and running!  Again it seems to be a quick and easy way of passing messages and information on..... 

OK - will do for now!!

OK.. so at least I now know that Twitter will stay at the top - shame I can't get it over onto the lefthand side...there must be a way!!  Just need to change it's colour now!

Testing, Testing 1, 2, 3.....

After 20mins I have managed to add Twitter to my Blog...I'm not happy about it's location on the screen (or it's colour!) so I've tried to re-arrange page, but I don't have full control over where everything fits!  So I just want to see when I post this new blog, if Twitter is still at the top of the page, or whether it has moved down below this post.  I know it probably sounds petty, but I want to control my Blog, not the other way round!

Saturday 16 April 2011

OMG! Week 6/Tagging, Delicious and LibraryThing

Perhaps it's me, but I'm finding it more and more difficult as the weeks go on!  This is the most frustrating week so far for me.  Firstly LibraryThing - this part was OK and I followed the instructions and managed to load it into my Blog.  My mind suddenly went blank when I tried to add some of the books I have read recently - typical,...but I dredged the bottom of my mind and came up with a few.  I like this tool and can see the benefits of using it.  I thought of all our senior patrons that come into the library regularly and seem to pick the same books over and over!  With LibraryThing we could collate this information for more initialling the books! 
Delicious/tagging - This part I found extremely frustrating - especially 'Explore 1' where you had to set up your own Delicious account and put a link to it in your blog.  I spent 2.5hrs trying to achieve this and visited over 20 websites trying to get help on how to do it and watched 5 different Youtube tutorials!!  I looked at some of Group 1's blogs and couldn't see the link. My stubborness kicked in - this was NOT going to beat me...and eventually I managed to do it!!!!  Now I just need to establish how to use it via my blog!!  On a positive note, I can see it's potential.  When we eventually open these social network sites to our patrons, I think Delicious would be an idea tool for anyone studying/projects/assignments/etc as they can setup tags/bookmarks to their favourite websites and have the information sent to them.  

Sunday 10 April 2011

Eeeek! A month gone already!

Where does the time go? I've just logged on and realised nearly a month has passed already since I've written a post!  So this week my intention is to complete weeks 6 & 7 (hopefully!)... so expect a few entries on your Blogs this week...

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Week 5/Wikis

OK so now I know!  I can certainly see why so many companies and organisations are heading down the 'Wikis road'!!  (Should that be Wikis or Wiki's - I'm having trouble deciding how to type it!!)  It's a good way of involving all staff and letting everyone contribute ideas and suggestions to what is really an open-forum.  I can definitely see the advantages of using wikis for instruction guides, user guides, procedure manuals, etc.  It will be a very useful tool for brain-storming up and coming events in our libraries.  We could have one just for staff and introduce another for patrons so they can put forward their own suggestions as to what they would like to see/have in their local libraries too.... Yes, very innovative... 

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Brain Overload

Yep! Definitely brain overload - I've spent hours and hours trying to sort week 4/RSS
Aggregators/Feeders - perhaps I'm reading into this more than is necessary - at one stage I had 8 windows open 'til my system decided enough was enough and shut down!! Arrrrgh! so I then had to open everything up again!!  Anyway I've managed to choose my 5 RSS feeds:-
My first is Christian Fletcher - one of WA's top landscape photographers.  He has a gallery in Dunsborough and one right here in Mandurah (Smart Street).  I love his work and have had the privilege of meeting him on several ocassions.  It's not common knowlege, but he's a great campaigner for conservation and you can read all about his efforts in his blog...

I've also chosen one of our local rags: 'Mandurah Mail' as I believe it important to keep up with stories and happenings around your local area.  I have been reading with great interest on the number of migratory birds that land on our shores each year.  Do you know that there is a little bird called the Red Knot that flies all the way from the China Sea and back - a round trip of 25,000km....amazing! - we need to keep their habitat safe.

My other RSS feed that I love looking at is 'You the Designer' - I've used this on numerous occassions for picking up free templates, brushes, textures, etc for my Photoshop CS5 work in conjunction with my photography.  Just this evening I have downloaded some 'smoke' brushes that can be used to add to an image the effect of real smoke just at the click of a button - love it, love, love it.....have a look:

My last 2 RSS choices are the Web 2.0 basic as requested, but also the Powerhouse Museum that was recommended.  I'd not seen this sight before, but as you can imagine I'm now hooked..
Some of the photos are inspirational - I love pure mono images - I will definitely be watching this feed on a regular daily basis:
Well, a hard lesson I think, but worthy of my patience and determination to understand.  It's now just a matter of practice, practice, practice!!!!
Onward and upward to week 5/wikis 


Sunday 27 February 2011

Orange Dahlia

Orange Dahlia
Originally uploaded by Di-Namic Photography
My uploaded image from Flickr
OK....I have 'bitten the bullet' and opened my own Flick.r account: Di-Namic Photography. I've been thinking about doing it for months now and thought this would be a good time as I'm going through this Web 2.0 Basics course. I cannot believe how nerve-racking it is putting my own work on a social network site, but realise that if I want people to see and comment on my work this is the best way to do it. I do feel vulnerable as it's quite a personal thing. I realise that this is an effective way of getting critique - whether it be good or bad! I've just down loaded a few to start with to see how I go...

Friday 25 February 2011

It's my first time!!!

Well I declare!!  I've done it...I've built my very own Blog - how exciting.  There'll
be no stopping me now....  So this is the future?  I can just imagine it a few
year's time students going off to university to study 'Blogology' so that they can
become professional 'Blogologists' - they will have worked so hard that they will
receive a degree and have letters after their names:- B.L.O.G. !!  Well known 
phrases will be altered.... 'bog off' will become 'Blog off'! 'I'm just going to the bog'
will become 'I'm just going to the Blog'! You get my gist..... "Joe Blogs' will
become the most popular boys name (or even Jo Blogs for a girl!!)  Let's see
how many others we can conjure up?!! LOL..  On a more serious note though,
I think this is a great idea.  I'm a firm believer in furthering your knowledge and
gaining a better understanding of modern technology and how it is changing
the way we work and play.  Let's embrace it and have some fun too.......