
Friday 25 February 2011

It's my first time!!!

Well I declare!!  I've done it...I've built my very own Blog - how exciting.  There'll
be no stopping me now....  So this is the future?  I can just imagine it a few
year's time students going off to university to study 'Blogology' so that they can
become professional 'Blogologists' - they will have worked so hard that they will
receive a degree and have letters after their names:- B.L.O.G. !!  Well known 
phrases will be altered.... 'bog off' will become 'Blog off'! 'I'm just going to the bog'
will become 'I'm just going to the Blog'! You get my gist..... "Joe Blogs' will
become the most popular boys name (or even Jo Blogs for a girl!!)  Let's see
how many others we can conjure up?!! LOL..  On a more serious note though,
I think this is a great idea.  I'm a firm believer in furthering your knowledge and
gaining a better understanding of modern technology and how it is changing
the way we work and play.  Let's embrace it and have some fun too.......


  1. Love the name Diane, very clever. Looks like you're having fun already! Good luck with the rest of the course.... hope you like Twitter more than I did...!

  2. Well done Diane. I was so nervous of getting it wrong that I forgot to leave any comments about the Web 2.0 course. Oh well there's always next time I guess. On the Week 3.....

  3. Love it! Love it! Love it!

  4. really creative and I agree the prospect of learning something new is exciting and the more I learn the more I realise I don't know!
